Reverb 10 (the Remix): Dec 13: Action

Monday, December 13, 2010

Okay, so I've decided that the only way I can handle Reverb 10 is to tackle the prompts on my own terms. Since I signed up in the mistaken belief the prompts would relate to creative writing rather than new-agey self-help concepts, then that's how I'm going to interprete or re-invent them from now on! It's the only way I can keep going, and I make no apologies for not being the kind of person inspirational buzz-words and repetitive retro/introspection suits. It's simply horses for courses.

So here we go with Reverb 10 (The Remix)!

Prompt: Action. When it comes to aspirations, its not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen. What's your next step?

My problem isn't getting ideas, it's what to do with them once I've had them.

Nearly all the fiction I write is collaborative, and my co-writer and I are devils for sparking up new characters and storylines between us, and not having the physical time to carry those ideas to fruition. We both have overactive imaginations, but we both have to go to work and we both have families to spend time with. So, for every story we write, there are at least two that never see the light of day. As I write, I have three fairly new characters created for specific stories that due to time contraints imposed by the necessity of living sometimes in the real world, are not likely to get written anytime soon, if ever. All we can do is try and let as many of these embryonic stories and characters as feasibly possible be birthed and written. I used to fret about the unborn ones, but I'm learning to accept my limitations. If they're worth revisiting, they will get their chance one day.

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