Reverb 10: Dec 16: Friendship

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prompt: Friendship. How has a friend changed you or your perspective on the world this year? Was this change gradual, or a sudden burst?

Let me say straight up, I don't have a great circle of friends, just a few soul mates. I'm a solitary, antisocial, shy person and as with most things in life I've always pursued quality over quantity when it comes to making friends. Those I do have are very treasured and appreciated - yeah, even if I forget to let them know that as often as I should. Some of my dearest friends I have never met in person, and may never do so, but that doesn't mean I value them any the less. Fleshspace and interwebs friends alike encourage and inspire my creativity, support me and raise my spirits when I'm down, scold, sympathise and laugh with me. And I love 'em for it.

I don't think I've changed myself or my outlook radically this year because of a anything a friend has said or done, and to be honest I'm not sure I would want to. Sure, we've mutually introduced each other to new authors, new music, new cafés that serve ace Italian coffee. But to me, friendship is about comfort and familiarity rather than radical change. Warm fuzzies, dude.

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