Reverb 10: Dec 10: Wisdom

Friday, December 10, 2010

Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?

Let me start with the disclaimer that 'wisdom' isn't a concept I'm very familiar with at the best of times. At the worst of times, well - just call me the village idiot, or court jester, whatever. Okay, on with the prompt.

Some years you're the jellyfish, and some years you're the tide. 2010 was a jellyfish year for me. It was a year in which I didn't get to make many decisions for myself, and of those few I did make, I have no idea yet if they will prove to have been wise ones or not. They were prompted by necessity rather than real desire and only the longer term will demonstrate if they play out good, bad or just ugly.

Come to think of it, perhaps being a jellyfish was the wisest decision I took. Sometimes its better to flow with the tide than to try and swim against it when you don't really have a great deal to lose or win either way. I hope next year circumstances might be such that I can be more proactive and seize life by the balls. Never a shark, but maybe a stickleback.

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