The Rant with No Name

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

One thing I really, really hate is some overbearing and patronising mini-autocrat with an over-inflated ego and superior attitude, presuming to try and "organise" me as if I were some moronic child or mindless sheep *takes a deep breath*. Yep, bossy wide-mouthed people who think they know what's best for everyone just get my fur standing straight up like a bogbrush, and after that it doesn't matter what they're trying to organise me to do - I'm already feeling negative and will dig my heels in like a sullen mule. My partner says I'm just perverse and contrary *smiles sweetly*.

Well, I feel like I'm surrounded by these people lately, both at work and at play. At work, I'm paid to bite my tongue and put up with it, and the bastards are a safe enough distance away that I can't poke their eyes out with a pointy stick. And at play? Well, I was brought up too nicely for this world, so I still bite my tongue as much as I can *spits out the blood*. I wish I had the micro-cojones to take up embroidery instead though....

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