Pondering activity

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Every so often, especially at this restless time of year, I get the nagging urge to discover and nurture a new interest or start a new creative hobby. And so I whine to everyone who will listen to me for ideas and they suggest all kinds of improbable, unlikely and illegal activities. So far this year friends have volunteered themselves, their other halves, or 'this person I know' to teach me to carve spoons, knit, weave willow baskets and rebuild a vintage Triumph motorbike. I have been encouraged to keep a mixed media nature journal and attend salsa classes, and invited to join a shamanic drumming circle (I'm quite tempted by that, actually. If only it didn't mean getting up at some inhumane hour to drum in the dawn at solstices...).

Will I do any of these things? It varies from not very likely to you-must-be-fucking-jesting. I rather fear I'm better at mulling over possible new hobbies rather than stirring my lazy arse into actually doing them.

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