
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sometimes I have to wonder if some people work hard at being offensive, or if it just comes as effortlessly to them as it seems.

Sometimes I wish I were like some puffed-up people who can make even their most simple remark sound supercilious and obnoxious. Then I too could make self-applauding comments to make myself look very, very important and be smugly self-important towards those not fortunate enough to have been born as me..

But then again, most times I'm just fucking relieved I'm not some people who must be queening it over their tiny little known world in contant fear they might shrivel up and die if they're not constantly noticed *chuckles*. For once, I'm more amused than really irritated.

Even monkeys fall from trees, as the Japanese say.

(This is actually true. Once when I was taken to a wildlife park as a young kid, a monkey did indeed fall from a tree, right onto our car. My mother was traumatized for the rest of the day.)

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