Powerful? not all it's cracked up to be really

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fanny Fae at Panhistoria asks, "What makes you feel powerful?"

Assuming this to mean personally rather than politically, I don't actually know that I ever feel powerful. Not really. I mean, I can feel confident, or capable, but -- powerful? No, I don't think so. What makes one person more powerful than another anyway? My ego/dick/bank balance/Uzi 9mm/gob is bigger than yours?

But now I come to think of it... there is something that makes me feel powerful. Withholding the salmon in the fridge from the cats despite their pleas and demands. It makes me feel like I have at least a modicum of control over them... mwahahahaha. *Sighs* okay, so who the hell am I kidding? Excuse me while I go feed the cats.

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