Dances with Cats

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Most amused reading everyone's descriptions of their felines' sleeping habits too *grins* I share my bed with not only another human but no less than 6 cats, all of whom consider the bed itself to be their personal space, and the human occupants as their hot-water bottles. Each cat has its favoured sleeping place, either under or on top of the quilt, but there's often a lot of jostling for position as each wants to lie (or at least lean) on a human, and the occasional hissing fight will break out. Fortunately, I can sleep through just about anything, but getting up in the night usually involves a major upheaval, and an escort of several curious cats. The preference for sleeping ON humans isn't restricted to the bed but the sofa too, so if I watch a film or settle down to read, most of the cats will pack down around and on me.

The cats also enjoy the occasions when I practise a bit of bellydancing at home, and though I wouldn't go so far as to claim they 'danced' with me, they do consider it a wonderful opportunity to twine round my ankles and see if they can tip me over for fun. They also like my doumbek and have been known to try and nestle inside it while I'm playing... (the drum is hollow).

The only thing I will bless my cats for, is that they understand the concept of weekend lie-ins! So no wet paws/nose in the face at breakfast time - they like a sleep-in too *grin*

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