Creative Goals
Monday, January 02, 2012
My goals for 2012 are deliberately modest and (I hope) attainable. I've broken them down into various compartments, but nothing is fixed in stone, all is fluid and flux, as I've discovered that defining goals too firmly makes me feel straitjacketed rather than inspired.
Last year saw me withdrawing from the petty snobbery of some writing communities and rekindling my interest in history and folklore. I will never write fiction as prolifically and eagerly as I used to but I do intend to keep doing as much as I enjoy. That is, writing with my several long-time co-conspirators at PE (and maybe AW), and a few low-key solo scribblings (mostly in prompt communities) that are NOT intended to improve me as an 'author', demonstrate my intellectual superiority, lead to publication or do anything but simply challenge and amuse me in the writing thereof. To this end, I need to sort out my museboxes at DW *scratching head*.
At the moment, I don't intend to participate in any 'official' writing challenges. I had considered signing up for inkingitout but by the time I'd decided I probably might be interested, sign-ups were closed so I took that as A Sign. I'm not going to try keeping up with anyone else, or competing in any races for word count as I don't find that kind of pressure to be useful. I've got a few ideas for personal writing challenges, but they need bashing into some kind of coherence before I float their boat.
On another note, I want to do more with my photography and digital art. Maybe tie it in with the writing projects in some way - now that would be a satisfying thing to do *nods*.