Reverb 10: Dec 30: Gift
Friday, December 31, 2010
Prompt: Gift. This month, gifts and gift-giving can seem inescapable. What's the most memorable gift, tangible or emotional, you received this year?
Gifts have been rather sparse this year as myself and everyone else I know in fleshpace are being dull and economising. I did treat myself to a new snow shovel, but I'm not sure that was particularly inspirational to look back on. It was damned useful though, and I had many occasions to bless it heartily in the few snow-blanketed weeks before Christmas. I was given an Amazon voucher for Christmas which was most eagerly welcomed too, since I'm in desperate need of something to read and the local library doesn't seem to have had any new books in since 1976. But I suppose the gift I'll most remember from this year is that my partner and his father together provided the wherewithal for us to be able to take a much-needed holiday in the sun even though I wasn't earning any money and couldn't have paid my own way.