Reverb 10: Dec 27: Ordinary joy
Monday, December 27, 2010
Prompt: Ordinary joy. Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year
Life is filled with ordinary joys and small pleasures, but ordinary moments are not the kind that you can just pull out of a hat and say THIS was the best one. It might have been any number of times I paused on the highest point of the ridge to look back down the trail into the green valley spread out below, or any of the times I saw low sunlight glancing through the beech and silver birches, or walked through a carpet of bluebells. It might have been sitting on the steps of a cathedral in an ancient sunlit, tree-filled square listening to a street musician play stately baroque guitar pieces, but most likely it was one of those quiet, understated but still profund moments of peace and connection shared by two humans, 6 (or 5) cats, a bar of Bonnat chocolate and a good film.