Hello blog, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again.. You look so fornlorn and neglected, and - let's admit it, friend to friend - dated. Our estrangement is my fault, I admit it. The words dried up. I wonder if I even have anything to tell you about nowadays. Let's see, shall we? Let's give you a new streamlined theme...
While I’m generally very negative about TV or movie adaptations of books I love (and usually with full justification), I’m never sure how I feel about adaptations of books I’ve simply quite enjoyed. I don‘t have the same possessiveness about them, but I do have strong mental impressions and thus certain preconceptions and expectations. It’s not just how characters might physically look on...
It's amazing the things that turn up when you're not looking for them, isn't it? We've made a start on packing stuff up ready for the move, and all kinds of things have come to light (or drifted to the surface, depending how you look at it). Long-forgotten stuff that hasn't been seen in years, and in some cases not since my partner...
The two faces of a dandelion. ...
Working for a cantankerous 83-year-old with the temper and logic of a spoiled toddler frays the nerves, but I've learned over the last few years that you just have to try and bite your tongue and suck it up if you want a pay cheque at the end of the month. It's not like employment opportunities are exactly hammering on the door at the moment,...
Today I drank the last of the Secretos del la Alhambra tea I bought in Granada, from the tea and spice stall in the shadow of the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Even though more than several years old, it kept its flavour of rose petals and oranges and spiced sunshine right to the last golden drop. If I close my eyes it's a...
Moss grows so thick on the bare trees that brushing against it is like stroking a cat's back, sparkling with diamond chips of water held within its luxuriant pelt. A swathe of colour in a dull grey world. Photo copyright myself 2012 ...