Reverb 11: March Prompt

Thursday, March 03, 2011

March Prompt:
If March 2011 was your last month to live, how would you live it?

It would be oh-so-easy to automatically answer, "To the max!". But I have to admit I probably wouldn't suddenly turn into a fearless, reckless skydiving daredevil in my last days. After all, what if there was a last minute reprieve when the Great Cosmic Thing reveals it all to be an April Fool's joke and I'd accidentally killed myself on March 31st doing something daredevilish? That would be just typical of my luck.

I'd spend the last month of my life with the people I loved best, doing what I loved best. That goes without saying, surely? And of course I wouldn't bother going to work as there won't be any more paydays for me, or indeed monthly bills to pay, and who would want to waste the last remnants of their life tied to a desk and phone doing something they hated? Duh.

I guess I'd want to tie up some loose ends, tell some people how I really feel about them because it's my last chance, guiltlessly each as much dark chocolate as I could stomach, visit as many as possible of the places I've always wanted to visit, and finally, like a dying cat, take myself off to a favoured place of retreat to shuffle off this mortal coil.

God, what a bloody depressing subject for a supposedly creative prompt! I hope the next one is rather more cheerful and inspirational.

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