My latest trial

Monday, January 05, 2009

If you tell people enough times how fantastic you are, some of them might even get to believe you. But then you have the problem of whether you live up to your own hype or not. In my experience, most self-hypers don't.

Take my lastest bugbear for example. A woman I now have to liase with for a company's website. She thinks she's the hottest thing since Planet X went supernova, and she swanks around telling everyone so. She was actually given this task recently, after two of her colleagues in her last department demanded her immediate removal from their sphere on pain of death (her's, I presume). Sadly, as we are hired by her employers, we can't demand the same, but MY boss can't bring himself to deal with her any longer and fobs her off onto me. And as anyone who's witnessed my reaction to other people like this can assure you, I am NOT a good person to deal with brash attention-seekers either *chuckles*.

First day back at work this morning after the holidays, her supervisor let slip he'd excluded Ms Me from attending an overseas conference with him in Japan because he couldn't face her yapping on about herself for a 12-hour flight *chuckles* Was it so very mean of me to snigger? Oh I'm a bad, bad bitch, but only human.

Sadly, the downside is, it means she's going to be around to bug me instead *sighs*. I'm due a face-to-face meeting with her later this month - something tells me that's going to be interesting.

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